Whether you’re looking to put money aside for your grandchildren or want to find ways to make your money go further for your retirement, here are Checklist‘s ten top brands that can help you not only grow your wealth but protect it too.


Bullion House Group is a UK-based precious metals dealer specialising in the supply of gold and silver from the world’s most well-established mints. They also exclusively deal with the UK’s largest gold refiners, enabling them to offer more people the chance to invest in gold and silver while keeping premiums low.

Plus, they offer fully-insured and free delivery of gold and silver, so you can rest assured your investments arrive as planned.

Investing in gold and silver is a Capital Gains Tax-free investment, making them ideal for your own long-term saving plans as well as those of your inheritors.

The Info: Search Bullion House online to request a guide on buying gold or call 0207 117 2889 for help and advice on investing.
